It is better to repeat ‘Umrah or give charity?

How many times is it recommended for a well-off person to perform ‘Umrah during a year? My husband performs lots of Hajj and ‘Umrah, but I advise him to give to charity the costs of ‘Umrah- that may reach five thousand Riyals- instead of making other ‘Umrahs. There are other acts of worship that he can do where he lives. I should say that he gives a lot to charity. However, I think a lot about the overcrowding in the Sacred Mosque. Many people go there once during their lifetime and because of the overcrowding a person cannot perform the rites with comfort and submissiveness. I wish that Hajj and ‘Umrah would be organized in such a way that priority is given to the people who come for the first time. I hope also the number of pilgrims will not be more than two millions. One final thing, some Muslims perform lots of Hajj and ‘Umrah, but at the same time at work, they do not give due care to their work; at home, they do not bring up their children properly; and they are not fair in their

It is better to repeat ‘Umrah or give charity?

All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

We invoke Allaah to bless your husband and help him to be keener on doing good deeds. It is recommended by Sharee‘ah to make ‘Umrah many times. This is evidenced by a Hadeeth on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “One ‘Umrah after another expiate what is in between, and an accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise.” [Al-Jamaa‘ah except for Abu Daawood]

Ash-Shawkaani, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “The Hadeeth indicates the favorability of making ‘Umrah many times, contrary to the opinion of some scholars, such as the Maalikis, who maintain that it is disliked to perform ‘Umrah more than once in the same year and also contrary to the opinion of some other scholars who maintain that it is disliked to perform ‘Umrah more than once in the same month.

In a Marfoo‘ Hadeeth on the authority of Ibn Mas‘ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah following each other , for they remove poverty and sins as the bellows removes the dross of iron and an accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise.” [Ath-Thahabi, Ibn Hajar, and Al-Albaani: Hasan]

As long as your husband gives much to charity, do not discourage him to make lots of ‘Umrah. Scholars stated that making Hajj and ‘Umrah as well is better than giving its costs in to charity unless it is for needy relatives or people who urgently need aid. In this case charity has the priority over ‘Umrah.

If your husband spends some of his money on other acts of worship that extend to others, such as supporting students to learn Sharee‘ah and schools that teach students the Quran, it would be better for him than doing such acts of worship whose benefit is restricted to him.

Hajj organizers make due arrangements to help prevent harms resulting from overcrowding, including controlling the number of pilgrims.

As for the contradiction that is seen in many people, it should be corrected by giving advice to the person involved. A person who neglects a certain aspect should be enjoined to do good and forbidden to do evil. He also should be reminded of the obligations to achieve balance, because all the Commands of Allaah The Almighty must be obeyed.

We supplicate Allaah to guide all Muslims to what is best for them and grant them success.

Allaah Knows best.

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