Allah has expanded his mercy over everything

mercy in islam, conditions of mercy in islam,

Allah has expanded his mercy over everything

Allah Ta’ala said, Say, (on My behalf),”O servant of Mine who have acted recklessly against their own selves do not despair of Allah’s Mercy.”-zumr-53

Again said: “And my Mercy extends to everything.-aaraf-156

Abu Huraira narrates: that our beloved Prophet said when Allah swt decided the fate of the people He scribed a letter over His throne “that My Mercy is competitively ahead of my anger.’’ In a narration it is there that “My Mercy is overpowered My anger-Bukhari w Muslim

Jabir rz narrated our beloved Prophet says: none of your deed makes you neither enters the paradise, nor save you from neither the Fire of Hell, nor me too but with the Mercy of Allah.- sahi Muslim

Huraira rz narrates, he listened the beloved Prophet saying that Allah created 100 parts, 99 parts He kept with Him, one part descended to the earth, by which creatures of the world use it to treat themselves, the spared its young’s to avoid to be hurt.- Sahi Bukhari

3-Diffirent shapes of His Mercy over His creatures:

1)Mercy of Allah swt over the captives:

Allah says, in sure Yusuf Verse 87: “O my sons, go and search for Yusuf and his brother, and do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. In fact only the infidels lose hope in Allah’s mercy”.-Yusuf-87

This verse indicates that Allah swt, prohibit to lose hope from Allah sooner or latter, in the story of Yusuf AS. There is a lesson for us and our captive brethren that we should patiently wait for the mercy of Allah swt. Allah swt described His mercy over Yusuf AS and his family, after 40 years He created the situations that all family members get together by the mercy of Allah, and Yusuf AS had remained 12 years in jail. We pray Allah swt to spread the shade of His mercy over our captives in jails. By His mercy, make such arrangement with their nation with their family. Surely He is powerful, and capable to do so, our responsibities are to be patient and continued prayers to Him.

Mercy over ill people:

There is a great lesson for us in the story of Ayyub (Job) AS. He suffered 18 years by the disease, in the period he kept patience and prayed Allah swt only He bestowed His mercy over him, by His mercy he got health peacefully and get back his family and assets. Allah swt says:

And (remembered) He Ayyub(Job) AS, when he called his Lord saying “Here I am afflicted by pain and You are the most merciful of all the merciful.” So, We answered his prayers and removed whatever pain he had, and gave him (back) his family and like thereof along with them as a mercy from Our own Self and as a lesson for the worshipers.- Anmbiyah -83-84

So, patients should not lose patience continue praying for the mercy of Allah swt

A lesson for issueless person;

A beautiful lesson is there in the stories of Abraham AS and Zakariya AS

Allah swt says: And (remember) Zakariya when he called his Lord, “My Lord, do not leave me alone and you are the best of inheritors” So, We responded to him and gave him Yahya and made his wife good for him. They used to race towards the good deeds and call Us with the hope and fear; and they were humble to Us.Anmbiya-89-90

In an old age due to his long patience and his own incapability, He pleased with and bestowed a son, Yahya to them. Similarly, to Abraham when he was of 100 years bestowed a son Ismail, afterwards when his 1st wife Sara was of 90 years old, He by His Mercy given 2nd child Isaac. Then Jacob was granted.

Allah swt says:

Praise is to Allah who, despite my old age blessed me with Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac). Surely, my Lord is the one who listen to prayers:-Ibrahim-39

Allah also says:

Thus, We gave her the good news about Ishaq and about Yaqub (Jacob) after Ishaq. She said, “Woe to me! Shall I give birth to a child while I am an old woman and this is my husband, an old man? This is something amazing indeed.” They said, ”Do you marvel at Allah’s command?’’ -Hud-71-73

We place our prayer to our real looker after that he may bestow an extreme patience and a good natured off-spring, but his responsibilities are patience and prayers. We being a Muslim, behave each other with mercy. Our beloved Prophet say, “Help to every living laborious man is rewarded.- Bukhari Adabul Mufarrad.

Abu Saeed reported from our beloved Prophet. “Those do not mercy others will not be mercy by Allah swt. -Adabul- Mufarrad- Bukhari

verily, the mercy of Allah is quite widespread and great, which is achieved by surrendering to Allah, Momins’s responsibility is not to lose patience for Allah, so we pray Allah swt may spread His shade of Mercy over us and make us a servant out of merciful servants.

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