The five pillars of islam

Pillars of islam, prayer, siyam, hajj, pilgrimage, taehid

The five pillars of islam

The Five Pillars of Islam

• 1) Shahada: Testifying to God's One-ness:

o The declaration "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet."

• 2) Salat: Prayer.

 General Features of Islamic Prayer

 Five prayer times each day:

 early morning

 noon

 mid-afternoon

 sunset

 evening

 Raq'ah: Bowing and prostration. Represents submission to God.

 Ablutions, symbolic purification by washing hands, feet, etc. with water (or sand).

 Qiblah, direction for prayer towards Mecca. Designated by Mihrab, niche in the wall.

 Du'a, spontaneous private prayer exists, but is less important than communal worship.

o Elements of Public prayer:

 Masjid (Mosque):

 Minaret (Tower for Muadhdhin to announce services).

 Imam leads prayers. Worshippers stand behind in straight lines.

 Imam or other scholar delivers a sermon (khutba ) from the pulpit (minbar).

 Women are not required to attend prayers. When they do, they usually stand behind the men men.

 Friday, Yawm al-Jum'ah (Day of Assembly), main day of public prayer.

• 3) Zakat: Giving charity.

o Originally a free-will donation (what is no called Sadaqah).

o Now largely compulsory.

o General rate: 2 1/2% of income annually.

o Given only to needy Muslims, or for religious purposes, etc.

• 4) Sawm: Fast

o In memory of the revelation of the Qur'an.

o During month of Ramadan, daylight hours.

o Those who have medical exemptions etc. should fast at another time.

o 'Id al-Fitr, Feast of Fast-breaking: at beginning of next month.

• 5) Hajj: Pilgrimage.

o Every Muslim man and woman (if physically and economically able) should try to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life-time.

o Egalitarian atmosphere, Ihram:

 donning of simple white garments.

 Refraining from sex, haircuts, jewelry, arguing, etc.

o Importance of the Ka'ba, associations with Abraham, Hagar Ishmael and Muhammad.

o Symbolic reenactments of past events:

 Tawaf: Circling Ka'ba counterclockwise seven times, emphasizing its centrality.

 Touching black stone of Ka'bah

 Sa'y: Running seven times between hills and drinking from Zamam spring (recalling Hagar's running for water)

 Throwing 49 stones at stone "Satan"s (recalling the resistance to Satan's attempts to prevent Abraham from sacrificing Ishmael).

 On eighth day pilgrims move to the desert and live in tents. Rituals performed there include:

 Wuquf: Standing in prayer at the Plain of Arafat and Mount of Mercy.

 'Id al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice): Head or household slaughters animal for feast. Meat is also distributed to the poor.

 Return to Mecca for second circling of Ka'bah.

 Most pilgrims also visit Medinah.

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