what is tahara in is islamic believe

Linguistic definition: Being in a state of cleanliness/purity. Shar’i point of view: In the area of Fiqh which the Ulema defined as taharah, it was defined as the lifting of the state of Hadath.

what is tahara in is islamic believe

Definition of TAHARAH

Linguistic definition: Being in a state of cleanliness/purity. Shar’i point of view: In the area of Fiqh which the Ulema defined as taharah, it was defined as the lifting of the state of Hadath.

Taharah has 2 parts:

1) The lifting of spiritual impurity (Taharah tu hadath) Concerning the spiritual impurities, the word ‘lifting’ is used.

Physical impurity must be ‘removed’. Spiritual impurity is not being in a state of wudu. They are in a state of hadath. (e.g. a person who slept, broke wind, wet dream) because they have hadath, they are spiritually impure.

Is the spiritual impurity lifted by the person or can it go away by itself? No, the person has to actually lift that by taking wudu or ghusl. We have to actively become involved in that. Minor requires wudu, major requires ghusl.

2) The removal of physical impurities (Taharah tu Khabath) Can be removed by the person themselves as well as external factors. If a form of impurity like urine, like a drop of it, goes on your clothes, but you did not actively wash that part of your clothes, but the rain came down and it went by itself, is that acceptable or not?
Yes, it is acceptable as far as taharah is concerned, which is why ‘removal' not ‘removing’ is used. It doesn’t have to be done by you, as long as it’s removed by any external factors (e.g. rain), making it perfectly acceptable. Sometimes certain impurities evaporate under the sun e.g. urine of some animals, when they last for a long time in a piece of land and the sun heats it over a long period of time, and if the wind blows on it as well, that’s it, that itself becomes pure.

When one needs to relieve themselves by answering the call of nature, will it be okay to just clean themselves with just tissues? Is that acceptable or does it have to be with water? So long as the physical impurity has been removed it doesn’t matter how it is removed.

When it comes to wudu can you for example have the option of taking wudu with coke, or tea etc (non-water liquids)?

No. It has to be with water because Allah stated that it has to be with water .

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