A vow is either timed or time-free and neither expire with the passage of time

What is the ruling on delaying the fulfillment of a vow for more than ten years?

A vow is either timed or time-free and neither expire with the passage of time

All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

A vow can be timed (i.e. a vow that had a specific time in which it should be fulfilled) or time-free.

An example of timed vows is when one vows to fast on the first Thursday of every month. Since he vows to fast on a specific day, it is incumbent on him to fast on the very day as he vowed. If he delays the fulfillment of his vow, he should make up for the missed fasts. However, if he delays it for a (valid) excuse such as an illness, he bears no sin for it, otherwise he bears sin.

A vow may also be time-free with no specific time frame. In this case, it is recommended to fulfill it as soon as possible. When one vows to fast on a Thursday, for example, without specifying a particular Thursday, he may fast on any Thursday he wishes.

By the first Thursday (after the vow-making), the person becomes obliged to fulfill his vow in order to clear his liability. If he passes away before fulfilling his vow, a close relative of his should fast on his behalf. ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Whoever died and he ought to have fasted (the missed days of Ramadhaan, then his Waliyy (a close relative who is entitled to be his heir) must fast on his behalf." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

Hence, if your vow was timed and you did not fulfill it without a valid excuse, you have committed a sin and you should turn to Allaah The Exalted in repentance and make up for it. If your vow was time-free, you are obliged to fulfill it and you bear no sin for delaying it. However, it is better and recommended for you to hasten to fulfill your vow as soon as possible.

Allaah Knows best.

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