Testimony Of Faith as a pillar of Islam

Testimony Of Faith as a pillar of Islam and how to do it

Testimony Of Faith as a pillar of Islam

it's done by simply saying :

Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-ullaah

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، و أن محمد رسول الله.

it mean's (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).

it's sayed by having the intention of becoming a muslim, the intention (niyahh) is an obligatory condition for the idadat (worship actes) to be valide.

a-shahadahh it is the first duty of a Muslim. Therefore, whoever intends to accept Islam must make such a declaration of faith and believe in it.

Muhamed rasul Allah said "Allah has forbidden for the Hellfire anyone who says, ˜There is no one worthy of worship except Allah, seeking thereby Allah's pleasure. (Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 415)

whoever dies and believe trully that ther is no god except Allah, will enter al-janah sonner or later. but whoever dies and never say tashahud and don't believe in it, it shall enter hellfire (jahanam) for eternity. 

The Meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah||

This means no one is worthy of worship except Allah. In fact, this statement negates the existence of any other deity besides Allah, and confirms that Allah is the only True God worthy of being worshipped.

the testemony that Allah is the one and only is followed by the testimony of muhamed is allah's messenger.

muhamed the messenger of Allah is the last messenger sent by him to all humanity to guide them to the right path.

muhamed rasullo allah it has been sent with the quranwhich represente the contitution and the book of rules that guide muslims to the right path and therefor th heaven.

also muhamed rasullo allah has lleft as sunnah which is all the actes perfomed by him in his entire life, and because muhamed rrasullo allah was living by the quran.

believe in this and annonce it by saying the tashahud is the  the first step to islam may allah give stability to this path a may allah forgive all of us.


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