
how to perform A-Shafaa And Al-Witter Prayer

how to perform A-Shafaa And Al-Witter Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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how to perform Al-Isha Prayer

how to perform Al-Isha Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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how to perform Al-Maghrib Prayer

how to perform Al-Maghrib Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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how to perform Al-Asr Prayer

how to perform Al-Asr Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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how to perform A-Dhuhr Prayer

how to perform A-Dhuhr Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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how to perform Al-Fajr Prayer

how to perform Al-Fajr Prayer step by steps in english with images to show exactly how to perform each step

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Recommended times for performing obligatory prayers

When is it recommended to perform prayer? Is it at the beginning, middle or the end of its time? Are there any exceptions?

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Facts and results will be unveiled on the day of resurrection

Will we on the Day of Resurrection know the destiny of every person whether he was righteous or not? Will we know the facts regarding...

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Best fasting after Ramadhaan is Muharram

What are the days where fasting is obligatory in Muharram?

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Makes a vow to fast a month; should it be observed...

If someone makes a vow to fast a whole month, should he observe the fasts successively or intermittently? He did not specify this...

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Helping one's children to memorize the Quran is better...

I help my children to memorize the Quran. However, observing supererogatory fasting prevents me from doing so. What is better for...

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He swears to fast a day whenever he commits a sin

One day, I took an oath that if I ever committed a certain sin - which I used to commit - I would fast a day each time I committed...

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Combining the intentions of expiatory and voluntary...

I swore an oath and broke it. I intended to fast three days as expiation for breaking my oath along with the voluntary six days of...

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He fasted three days as expiation for breaking an...

A man fasted three days as expiation for breaking an oath, but afterwards gained enough money to feed ten needy people. Does his fasting...

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Putting pieces of paper that have verses from the...

What is the ruling on putting pieces of paper that have verses from the Quran to get rid of fleas, scorpions and all other vermin...

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Liability to make up fasting does not prevent ‘Umrah

I am required to make up fasting for five days that I did not fast during Ramadhaan. Is it permissible for me to perform ‘Umrah? Should...

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Burning quranic verses to make ruqyah

Is it unlawful to burn papers containing Quranic verses in order to make Ruqyah or to break a spell or for protection against envy?...

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Delaying the fast of oath expiation until one is able...

I have promised Allaah, with a sincere intention, not to do anything which He Has Prohibited. But, unfortunately, I failed to keep...

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Ruling on delaying the Athaan (call to prayer)

Is it permissible to delay calling the Athaan (call to prayer) for the reason of an ongoing religious lesson until the lesson is complete,...

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Who is entitled to take resort to fasting in the oath...

I know that the expiation for breaking an oath is to feed or clothe ten needy persons; and if one is financially incapable, he should...

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Choosing between expiating for delaying making up...

What is the expiation for swearing a false oath? What should one do if he doubted whether he swore an oath and broke it or he never...

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The one who is praying while the Athaan is being called...

Is it obligatory to repeat the prayer if I was praying it while the Athaan was being called?

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Swore an oath not to commit a sin, broke the oath...

I am an unmarried girl and I used to masturbate and each time I regretted it and sought forgiveness from Allaah The Exalted. One time...

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Is the Athaan of the one whose ‘Awrah is exposed valid?

Is concealing the ‘Awrah stipulated in calling the Athaan?

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Close relative observing expiatory fast on behalf...

Are there any conditions for clearing the liability of the deceased who died before expiating for his broken oath? In other words,...

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Ruling of adding “’innaka laa tukhliful-mee‘aad… Ad-darajah...

Is it permissible to say after the Iqaamah: “Allaahumma Rabba haathihid-da‘watit-taammati was-salaatil-qaa’imati, ’aati sayidina Muhammadanil-waseelata...

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No contradiction in Quran 17:8

Allaah Almighty Says (what means): {[Then Allaah said], "It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you....

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Ruling of the Athaan made by the one who does not...

Sometimes, I observe in some small mosques and those found under residential buildings that the ones who call the Athaan most times...

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Ruling of modulating and elongating vowels in the...

Is it permissible to elongate the vowels excessively in the Athaan like the way of ‘Abdul Baasit ‘Abdus-Samad? Thanks.

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Whether to respond to the Athaan or to continue with...

What is the ruling on one who is listening to the Quran and then hears the Athaan: Does he continue with the Quran or respond to the...

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Leading the prayer is better than calling the Athaan

What is the superiority and excellence of the Imaam over those he leads in prayer?

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The year in which the Athaan was legislated

In which Hijri year was the Athaan legislated?

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The Athaan is not repeated when one prays

Some people continue reciting the Quran while the Athaan (i.e. call for prayer) is being called? Is there any sin in doing so even...

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The Grandfather’s wife is among the Mahrams

Is the grandfather’s wife a Mahram woman to the grandsons?

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Women exposing their adornment before a non-Mahram...

We are four sisters. Our father died and a man, who is not among our relatives, provided for us and we have lived with him since we...

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The husband of the step-daughter is not a Mahram for...

A woman got married to a married man who has sons and daughters. The question is: Are the husbands of the step-daughters of this woman...

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It is impermissible to look at a non-Mahram woman’s...

Assalaamu Alaykum What are the due boundaries of talking to non-Mahram women in Islam? Is it permissible to speak with them and with...

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Wrong evidence on seclusion with non-Mahram woman

I read a Fatwa stating that it is impermissible to be alone with a non-Mahram woman even if there is no sexual desire. However, I...

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She receives financial aid from a non-Mahram man who...

I am a married woman and I am having an affair with a man that does not go beyond phone calls. This man offers me financial aid without...

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The suitor's privilege over other non-Mahram men

What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a woman going out with her fiancé although the marriage contract has not yet been concluded?

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