Category : Fatawa

Ruling on signing divorce document without knowing...

What is the Islamic ruling on a husband who signs a divorce document without knowledge of its contents? Is his wife considered a divorcee...

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Divorcee wishes to remarry ex-husband after Khul’...

I am a divorcee who sought Khul’ two years ago, and I have a six-year-old daughter. My ex-husband got remarried so as to forget me,...

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Husband swears to divorce his wife if she performs...

My husband swore to divorce me if I leave for Hajj. Please note that I am over sixty and have not previously performed Hajj. Should...

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Ruling on divorce with the intention of notification...

I suffer from frigidity (sexual coldness) and psychological disorders and I'm in treatment with a psychiatrist because of obsessive...

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Engagement after divorce that took place before consummation...

A short time ago, I got engaged to a young man for seven months, during which we concluded the wedding contract with the help of a...

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Ruling is based on the validity of his claim whether...

My husband forsook me thirteen years ago, and divorced me five years after he left me. A year ago, I decided to marry, and then he...

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Which type of Hajj to perform on behalf of another...

When someone performs Hajj on behalf of another, should he perform a Qiraan, Ifraad or Tamattu‘ Hajj?

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Is it valid to dedicate the intention of Hajj to one...

When one is performing a Tamattu‘ Hajj, can he perform ‘Umrah on behalf of one person and Hajj on behalf of someone else?

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Build a house or perform Hajj?

I am a married man and have three children. My mother also lives with me. I have gone through great difficulty to collect the amount...

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Attending to a disabled husband or performing Hajj

I am a disabled person who uses a wheel chair. I cannot dispense with my wife's attendance on me even if she goes to a near or far...

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The rituals of the Qiraan and Ifraad Hajj are the...

When I was in the Miqaat, I intended to perform a Qiraan Hajj and those who were with me intended to perform an Ifraad Hajj. I did...

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Choosing a Hajj with more expenses not with more hardships

My cousin who lived in Egypt died before performing Hajj. His children asked me to perform on his behalf because I live in Jeddah....

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He performed Hajj on behalf of someone else but did...

When I was an adult at the age of sixteen, still having never performed Hajj on my own behalf, I knew that it was impermissible to...

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The reward of Hajj includes the one who performs it...

After my brother had previously performed Hajj for himself, he performed another Hajj on behalf of my deceased father. It is known...

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A woman performing Hajj bears the expenses of the...

My paternal aunt inherited a large sum of money from her deceased husband. She wants to perform ‘Umrah because she has grown old....

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‘Umar's forbiddance of the Tamattu‘ Hajj was to choose...

How authentic is the Hadeeth narrated on the authority of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, concerning the two...

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Conditions of Hajj performed by a blind person

Is Hajj obligatory on a blind person who can afford its expenses? Is he considered able to perform Hajj?

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How to calculate the expenses of a Hajj performed...

How can we calculate the costs of performing Hajj on behalf of someone else? Is it permissible to add the value representing a 50%...

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He performed ‘Umrah during the months of Hajj then...

A person was on a visit to Saudi Arabia and performed ‘Umrah in Ramadhaan. This person lived in Jeddah during his stay there and performed...

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Conditions of the permissibility on performing a Hajj...

Is it permissible to perform Hajj if its expenses are gifted by the owner of the company I work for? Please note that he is a Moroccan...

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Can a person perform a Tamattu‘ Hajj on the eighth...

Can one begin a Tamattu‘ Hajj on the eighth of Thul-Hijjah or must it begin before the eighth of Thul-Hijjah? What is the proof for...

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A Hajj funded by the financial contributions of Muslim...

What is the ruling of a Hajj where the expenses are funded by the company in which a person works? Please note that the expenses are...

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Performing Hajj or in-vitro fertilization first?

My husband and I have been married for four years but we do not have any children. We went to a doctor and she told us that we need...

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Ruling on performing Hajj with money donated by western...

I am studying in a western country at the expense of my home country and my family lives with me. The country where I study offers...

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The ruling of performing Hajj on behalf of a person...

Is it permissible to perform Hajj on behalf of a person who had performed it before he died?

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Is it permissible for the person who makes ‘Umrah...

Is it permissible for a man who made ‘Umrah to go for making Hajj in the same year?

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Performed Umrah and wants to stay for the Hajj season,...

I want to perform ‘Umrah during the month of Ramadhaan and also want to stay until Hajj is due. Should I make Tawaaf Al-Qudoom (arrival...

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The ruling on slaughtering the sacrificial animal...

Is it permissible to slaughter the sacrificial animal before the standing of ‘Arafaat?

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Is death during Hajj considered martyrdom?

I would like to know: if somebody dies during Hajj, will he be considered a martyr? Thank you.

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Not completing Hajj rituals after staying overnight...

I set out for Hajj some years ago and while we were going from ‘Arafaat to Muzdalifah, my nephew was lost. When we did not find him,...

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Ruling on a woman delaying Hajj to take care of her...

My mother intended to perform Hajj this year, but my sister became pregnant and my mother will postpone Hajj to the next year to stay...

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Completing Hajj rituals on behalf of one’s deceased...

My late mother set out for Hajj (major pilgrimage) and, due to her illness, she could not perform Tawaaf Al-Qudoom (circumambulation...

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Matters that invalidate Hajj

What are the deeds that invalidate Hajj? Do disobedience and dispute invalidate Hajj? Would Hajj be counted for man just as he performed...

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Does the pilgrim return free of sins even if he was...

The one who performs Hajj returns as free of sins as he was in the day when his mother gave birth to him, so what about the one who...

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Ruling on performing Hajj on behalf of the killed...

I had two brothers who were killed and my parents got an amount of money from the governmental authorities as a compensation or blood...

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Performing voluntary Hajj or giving the money to another...

After performing the obligation of Hajj, is it better to perform Hajj once more or give the money to someone who is healthy, but does...

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‘Umrah in Ramadhaan versus Hajj

In Morocco and due to the large number of those who want to perform Hajj, pilgrims are chosen by lot. Every year, more than 4000 register...

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Reward of obligatory Hajj greater than that of voluntary...

I performed Hajj five times. Are they equal in reward?

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Hajj on behalf of his disabled grandmother and father

I have already performed the obligation of Hajj. My grandmother asked me to perform Hajj on her behalf because she is physically and...

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The Sharee‘ah ruling on borrowing for Hajj

A person borrowed money from his family members in order to pay the Hajj expenses and he intended to pay the money back before going...

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