Category : Fatawa

Ruling on breaking an oath forgetfully

I took an oath not to do a certain thing but afterwards did it, forgetting that I had taken an oath not to do it again. What is the...

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Jurists' opinions on making expiation for an oath...

I remember that a fast is due on me because of an oath I have taken. However, I do not remember on what I have sworn. Should I fast...

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Expiation of breaching a covenant is like that of...

What is the ruling on someone who says: ‘I make a covenant with Allaah not to do that thing,’ and then he does it?

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Expiation of oaths whose number is unknown

In the past, whenever I felt angry, I used to say, "By Allaah, The Great, I will not do this." But I did not make expiation for breaking...

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Fulfilling others' oaths between obligation and recommendation

Is it due on a person to abide by all he is asked to do if somebody says to him, "I swear by Allaah that you should do such and such...

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Allaah will not speak with him who takes a false oath...

When I sold my car I said to the person who bought it: ‘I swear to you by Allaah that somebody else offered to pay 25,000 dirhams’,...

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Giving the oath expiation in whichever country the...

I live in Britain and want to give an oath expiation. Is it permissible for me to give it in Jordan? In case of permissibility, should...

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Ruling on taking an oath in a solicitation mode

Is it permissible for a wife to say to her husband: "By the right of my love for you, you should not do such and such." Is it permissible...

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Asked him to keep a secret and to take an oath on...

One of my friends entrusted me with a serious secret and had me swear not to disclose it to anyone and if I did, my wife would be...

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No expiation is due for an oath that is intended for...

Should one offer an expiation when he takes an oath, even if he swore to do something permissible? For example, if a person invites...

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She takes a false oath to protect her honor; what...

My family forced me to swear an oath by the Mus-haf after the man with whom I had committed sin told my family what happened between...

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Ruling on saying Nasheeds whose lyrics contain vows...

Is saying Nasheeds of which the lyrics contain vows and oaths considered a binding oath or a vow that should be fulfilled?

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Ruling on paying expiation for breaking an oath to...

Is it permissible to pay the expiation for breaking an oath to non-Muslims? Is it permissible to pay it to charitable societies, be...

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Whoever forgets the oath has not broken it

About six years ago, a man jokingly said to my mother, "Would you marry me to your daughter?" When my mother told me that, I swore...

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Ruling on paying the expiation without the permission...

A man broke his oath and does not want to offer the expiation for breaking it. Can his wife feed ten needy people as expiation from...

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Effects of swearing an oath on the Bible

Is it permissible to take an oath by the parts of the Bible that were not altered and distorted, as it is a Divine Book, just as we...

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He died before paying the expiation for breaking an...

What is the religious ruling on someone who died before paying the expiation for breaking an oath?

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Channels of the expiation for breaking an oath

I have to feed ten needy people as expiation for breaking an oath, but I cannot find eligible recipients of the expiation in my country....

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He takes an oath and makes an exclusion in his intention

My paternal aunt made me swear on the Quran (Mus-haf) that I should not talk to certain people, who are not close to me. Before I...

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Paying the expiation for breaking an oath from the...

How can a married woman, whose husband provides for her and who has no other source of income, pay the expiation for breaking an oath?...

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No wrong in entrusting a charitable society with paying...

My problem is that I break my oaths very often. I made an oath not to do anything personal during my work hours, but I always fail...

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Does a binding oath expire by the passage of time?

I swore an oath that if my wife does not clean my shoes daily after I come back from work, I will clean them with one of her clean...

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Questions on how to expiate for an oath

Two oath expiations are due on me and I would like to give them as food. What kind of food should I give? I know that it should be...

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The clothing due in oath expiation

I want to clothe ten needy people as expiation for an oath. May I take ten garments and give them to a child protection center, which...

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An unuttered oath

I have signed up on a website and one of the registration conditions was to swear that I am not already a member in the website. I...

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Breaking the oath recurs only if its wording suggests...

I swore an oath that if I commit a particular sin, I will fast one day. I committed that sin and fasted a day as I had sworn. Then,...

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Bisaat of an oath and its effect on breaking the oath

I received my bachelor's degree this year with good grades; all praise is due to Allaah The Exalted. Before my final exams, I swore...

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Is a single expiation due for several oaths?

It is common that everybody swears several times every day, intentionally and unintentionally. Is it permissible for such a person...

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He says that he swore an oath about something, but...

If a person claims to have sworn an oath, but he actually did not, should he offer expiation?

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Ruling on swearing an oath out of courtesy

I was talking with one of my relatives, with whom I do not have a cordial and friendly relationship. In the middle of our conversation,...

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Repeated oaths necessitate respective expiations

I made a covenant with Allaah The Exalted while placing my hand on the Mus-haf (i.e. a copy of the Quran) that I will not commit a...

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The interest should be estimated and then given as...

My grandfather died and left some funds in the bank. His children wanted to purify his money from interest, and it was difficult for...

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Ruling on someone who swears to give all his property...

I have sworn by Allaah The Great to give all my property in charity for the Sake of Allaah. Is this regarded as a vow? What are the...

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Should found property be kept or spent in charity?

I found some money in a certain place. I announced to the people there that I had a fallen trust in order to tell its owner if he...

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Availing oneself of charity: Islamic perspective

I read in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, forbade a young boy from eating dates that...

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Is it permissible for other than the poor to accept...

The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, did not accept charity, whereas he used to accept gifts. Are we obliged to do the same...

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Is offering charity in public liked or disliked?

I am responsible for managing the charitable activities and contributions of a businessman; this includes catering for orphans, widows...

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Is it permissible to give charity on behalf of a fetus?

Is it permissible to give charity on behalf of a fetus that is still in the mother’s womb?

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Ruling on offering charity and performing Hajj on...

We live in An-Nabq 48. My father passed away in 1981 and he did not observe prayer. He did not reject the obligation of prayer but...

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Can he give charity from his mother's wealth without...

One day I was in the market where I met an elderly man who asked me for some money, but I refused to give him since the money belonged...

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