Category : Fatawa

Not all types of debt take precedence over Hajj

How do we resolve the seeming contradiction between the statement that paying back the debt takes precedence over Hajj and the Hadeeth...

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Husband has no right to forbid wife from obligatory...

A woman wants to perform the obligatory Hajj from her own money. She actually started the procedures of travel. Her husband did not...

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The rulings of Ishtiraat (stipulation) in Hajj or...

What is the manner of Talbiyah that a pilgrim has to say so that in case he is prevented from completing the rituals, he ends his...

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Ruling on wearing Niqaab during the state of Ihraam

A woman went to perform ‘Umrah and wore the Niqaab while performing it. Is she required to do anything noting that she is in another...

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Persistence on neglecting the Hijaab justifies breaking...

I would like to break my engagement to my cousin because she persists on neglecting the Sharee‘ah-approved dressing manner. She wears...

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A woman should not marry herself off, even with her...

What is the ruling on the marriage contract of a woman marrying herself off with her guardian’s consent; the bridegroom said: "Would...

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A woman must wear Hijaab before her step-mother’s...

I grew up in a conservative and religious family, thanks to Allaah The Exalted. My father divorced my mother when I was two and married...

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Ruling on marrying a woman with corrupt beliefs

I am a Sunni Muslim young man who fell in love with a girl who adopts a set of beliefs that contradict Islam; such as believing that...

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She forgetfully wore Niqaab and remembered during...

My wife and I performed ‘Umrah. While she was in the state of Ihraam, she covered her face with the Niqaab forgetting that this is...

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Reason behind the prohibition of marrying a non-Muslim...

A non-Muslim man embraced Islam but does not have a legal document proving his Islam. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to marry...

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Concluding a valid marriage contract after termination...

A girl married without the consent of her parents and after three days of her marriage, they got her divorced, promising her to marry...

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Ruling on marrying the daughter of one’s paternal...

I have a paternal aunt who has a son and a daughter. I married my cousin’s daughter and then after a while I married my paternal aunt’s...

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Reprehensibility of marriage between the two ‘Eeds...

Is it true that concluding marriage between the Two ‘Eeds is not recommended? Are there days when marriage is reprehensible? May Allaah...

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Color does not affect the validity of marriage

Is it permissible for a black man to marry a white woman?

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Preventing a woman from getting married is not unfair...

In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful Assalaamu Alaykum, There is a divorced woman who is 35 years old and has...

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Ruling on a man marrying his son's step-daughter

Is it permissible for a man to marry his son's step-daughter?

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Two forms of unregistered marriage

What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the one who bears witness to an unregistered marriage contract? What should he do if he is asked to...

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Great differences between marriage and adultery

Is sexual intercourse with one's wife considered adultery? Is it permissible to take a bath along with one's wife? Please advise.

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Forged marriage contract: clarification

I married a man and after a period of time we encountered some problems and I asked for divorce, but I was shocked when he told me...

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Ruling on a woman whose husband died two hours after...

In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a man who liked to marry, and just two...

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Engaging in lawful work without a license

Is it permissible to engage in lawful work but without obtaining a license or approval from the concerned authority?

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Who is responsible for marrying youth?

I am a young man and have a desire for marriage. My family, and particularly my sisters, told me that they had nothing to do with...

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No difference between seriousness and joking in marriage

If a woman said to a man: "I have married myself off to you", would she be regarded his wife just by that word, given that he said:...

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Ruling on marriage to an uncircumcised man

In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful Assalaamu Alaykum, What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on marriage to an uncircumcised...

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Not telling the husband of previous sexual assault...

A girl was raped, but she did not tell anyone about that incident out of fear for her family’s reputation and a wish to keep her face...

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Sodomy does not prevent marriage to the sister of...

Assalaamu Alaykum, Is it permissible for one to marry a girl with whose brother he practiced sodomy fifteen years ago, and then repented...

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When to mention flaws that hinder marriage if consulted

I am positive about a love relationship that was marred by sexual activities between a man and a woman and the fact that this woman...

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Supplications in the occasion of marriage

I am a twenty-one-year-old religious girl and there is a young man who wants to propose to me. I told my mother, but his mother opposes...

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Permissibility of paying dowry before contracting...

What is the Sharee‘ah ruling concerning paying the dowry a month or less before concluding the marriage contract so that the woman...

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Preventing marriage of cousins on basis of common...

There is a tribe in Chad that has the habit of preventing the marriage of cousins, and there is a man from this tribe who wanted to...

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Should the impotent avoid marriage?

As-Salaamu Alaykum, I am a 25-year-old young man. My problem is that I know for sure that I do not have the ability to satisfy the...

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Describing a woman for the husband to marry her

My husband wants to marry another woman and asks me about the characteristics of some women whom he wants to marry to compare them...

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Wants to marry a man other than the one she is engaged...

I am really confused and do not know anyone but you to answer my questions. I am suffering because I am engaged to a man whom I do...

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Difference between denying permissibility of polygyny...

What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who says that Islam is the religion of only one wife?

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The only outlet is not to think of marrying a non-Muslim

Is the Muslim woman allowed to marry a Christian? What should she do if she adores him?

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Infertility should be revealed before marriage

Will the marriage be null if the husband has not informed the guardian about his infertility, telling his wife only?

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Should marriage of a new Muslim be delayed?

A non-Muslim French man wants to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim woman. However, an Imaam of a Masjid told him that he should...

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Ruling on marrying a daughter to an alcoholic

A friend of mine has a problem as her father wants to marry her off to his friend’s son who is an alcoholic with very bad morals....

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Implicit and explicit marriage proposal for a woman...

Is it permissible for a widow to inform her brother-in-law implicitly or explicitly of her desire to marry him? Please, provide the...

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