Category : Fatawa

Giving evening dresses as charity

I have some tight clothes and evening dresses which I want to get rid of, since I have become a practicing Muslim and all praise is...

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Which is better, charity or ‘Umrah?

Which is better, performing ‘Umrah or giving charity to the poor and needy, in case it is difficult to combine both actions?

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Continuous charity is considered endowment

Is it a condition for continuous charity that it is done by a person before his death? For example, should he build a mosque before...

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A mother gives her children’s clothes in charity without...

My mother gives some of our clothes which she does not like in charity without our permission. Is she rewarded for this? Is it considered...

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It is better to repeat ‘Umrah or give charity?

How many times is it recommended for a well-off person to perform ‘Umrah during a year? My husband performs lots of Hajj and ‘Umrah,...

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It is recommended to eat and give as a present and...

Should a pilgrim who performs the Tamattu‘ Hajj distribute the whole sacrificial animal to the poor? Or should it be distributed as...

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Is it obligatory for an adult to get circumcised?

I am a 24-year-old Muslim man and I am not circumcised until now because my parents did not want me to be circumcised when I was young....

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Son cannot be circumcised

I have a son he was born with Down syndrome. He is 4 years now, but he hasn’t been circumcised and his penis is too small for that....

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Divorcing one's wife thrice before consummating the...

Assalaamu 'alaykum, A girl got married to a man but he did not consummate the marriage with her. He divorced her in the office of...

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Divorce with no just reason does not justify thinking...

I am a woman who was divorced from her previous husband due to his bad morals and treatment and was married to a married man, who...

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Rulings related to a woman of whom the divorce is...

I have a married sister who has nine children, all of whom are in school. She quarreled with her husband who, in turn, divorced her...

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Conditions of effecting divorce over the phone

I left my husband more than a year ago, and seven months ago, he divorced me via the phone, at different times; some time later, he...

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Conditions for the permissibility of a divorced man’s...

What is the ruling on a man who divorced his wife and then married another woman seven days after his divorce?

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Valid reasons for divorce

What are the valid reasons for divorce under Sharee‘ah?

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Can a man pay dowry to his divorced wife from zakat...

Is it permissible for a man to pay his ex-wife her due dowry – which is a debt – from zakat money? Note that the husband is currently...

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Ruling on demanding divorce from a sterile husband

I have been married for five years and doctors told us that my husband is sterile. Am I entitled to seek divorce for I yearn to be...

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Ruling on a husband who divorces his wife and then...

What is the Islamic ruling on a husband who divorced his wife then denied divorcing her?

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Swearing by divorce is impermissible

There is a man who swore by divorce not to talk to his parental cousin, and now he cannot talk to him fearing that divorce would be...

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Premature ejaculation is not valid justification to...

Is it permissible for the wife to ask for divorce if her husband suffers from premature ejaculation?

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Swearing by divorce or making unlawful (one’s wife)...

In a state of anger I said to one of my children: "(I swear) By (making your mother) unlawful (for me), if you do so and so I will...

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Divorced twice and then she made Khul’

Is it permissible for a husband to take his wife to wedlock again after two times of divorce and a one time of Khul’ that was issued...

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Threatening wife with divorce to do unlawful deeds

There is a man who wants to compel his wife to watch porno movies with him though he knows that such an act is unlawful. He gave her...

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Limits of speaking with one’s divorcee

A man communicates with his irrevocably divorced wife on the phone or by any other means for the purpose of checking on his children...

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Consequences of divorce before consummation

I have already concluded my marriage contract but delayed consummation for a year in order to be able to cover the costs required....

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Would she be divorced if her husband became insane?

A female relative of mine wants to know the Sharee‘ah ruling on her situation. She left her husband about eight years ago because...

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Inward divorce is nothing

Do one's thoughts of divorce without verbal expression make it effective? For example, when one says to himself, ''If my wife does...

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Indirect expressions effect divorce when the husband...

A man said thrice to his wife, "You are unlawful to me." He just intended to threaten her, not to divorce her. So, what is the Sharee‘ah...

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His mother commands him to divorce his wife who has...

My wife contracted AIDS via a drug contaminated hypodermic needle. I love my wife and I do not want to divorce her, but my mother...

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Ruling on intending divorce while uttering part of...

A friend of mine said to his wife: “Go to your parents’ home” intending to divorce her while uttering the first two letters of the...

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Divorcing the wife because she does not know how to...

Is a husband permitted to divorce his wife because she does not know how to cook? Noting that this is her only defect and the husband...

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False oath by divorce

My husband said to me that if he had a relationship with a woman other than me, then I would be divorced. He already had relationships...

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Ruling on marrying a divorcee during her ‘Iddah

I married a European woman who reverted to Islam since the first day of our marriage, praise be to Allaah. However, she was previously...

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Divorcing a woman who is not a wife is invalid

Once I was very angry and swore by divorce that my fiancée must not visit her relatives. I now regret this and I want to expiate my...

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A conditional divorce followed by an immediate divorce

I got married a year and a half ago. My husband swore that I would be divorced if I visited my mother, and I indeed visited her. He...

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Divorcing the wife who has a secret lover

My wife talks with a strange man over the phone. She even bought him a present on which she wrote "I love you." Am I permitted to...

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Ruling on celebrating divorce

Is it permissible for a divorcee to hold a party celebrating her divorce through slaughtering sheep, distributing sweets or any other...

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Agreement on letting one's divorcee remain in official...

There is a woman who lives in a European country and who reverted recently to Islam. Her husband divorced her by saying "you are divorced."...

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Threatening with divorce is not divorce

I was talking with my wife about some topic. She kept on arguing with me. Being bored with talking on the same topic, I said to her,...

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The wife divorced thrice returning to the first husband...

If a woman who has been divorced thrice returned to her previous husband after her second husband dies or divorces her without a previous...

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Ruling on a husband saying that his wife has divorced...

A husband abandoned the matrimonial home by court order for having beaten his wife. Three months later, the husband said that she...

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